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How do I update an enterprise iOS app while in Single App lock mode?

*NOTE: As of iOS 11.2.5, enterprise iOS app updates work while Single App Lock is enabled.

When Single App Lock is enabled on a device, updating a currently running enterprise app requires a few extra steps.

There are two issues that get in the way of updating an enterprise app while in single app mode:
  1. iOS will not accept an app update request while the device is in single app mode.
  2. iOS will prompt the user for permission to update an app if the current app is open, regardless of supervision status.
Because of this, we suggest the following workflow for updating enterprise apps that are being used in single app mode:
  1. Enable single app mode for a different app, such as Safari. This will open the Safari app.
  2. Disable single app mode. Safari app remains open.
  3. Push the app update to the device
  4. Once the app update has completed, re-enable single app mode for the original app
Please note that this assumes that Safari is not being blocked on the device either through the "Allow Safari" checkbox option under restrictions or through an App Restrictions configuration. If it is, either unblock it during this process or select a different app in lieu of Safari that is both installed on the device and is not blocked.

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