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Enrollment by Link

The following steps will enroll a device with SimpleMDM by link:
  1. Within SimpleMDM, click Devices on the left hand side.
  2. Click the "Enroll Devices" button near the top right of the screen.
  3. Under "Group Enrollment", select the group that you would like your device to join initially and click "Show Enrollment". If you would prefer to use the Single device enrollment method, click the "Create Enrollment" button instead.
  4. The following screen presents the enrollment link. You can email or SMS this link directly to a device under "Send To Device". Alternatively, the enrollment link URL can be entered into Safari on the device by hand.
  5. On the device, open the enrollment link URL with Safari.
  6. An "Install Profile" screen will appear. Select "Install".
  7. Enter the device passcode if requested.
  8. A warning screen will appear. Select "Install".
  9. A remote management dialog will appear. Select "Trust".
  10. The device will enroll with SimpleMDM. When the process has completed, you may select "Done".
Your device is now enrolled with SimpleMDM. It will appear on the "Devices" screen.

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