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4. Managing App Licenses

Apple VPP

When an app store app is installed on an iOS or macOS device, the device generally prompts for an Apple ID. This is how Apple grants you a license to run the app. While this paradigm makes sense on a personal device level, it often is cumbersome for business deployments.

Apple has a program called the Volume Purchase Program (VPP) which allows organizations to manage app licenses centrally. VPP, when used in conjunction with SimpleMDM, allows administrators to:
  1. Deploy apps to devices without prompting the user for an Apple ID.
  2. Purchase licenses for paid apps and obtain free licenses for free apps. Licenses can then be shared with and revoked from devices in their deployment.
  3. Gain access to B2B VPP apps. This allows 3rd parties to share custom apps privately with the organization.
Setting up an Apple VPP account is free. We recommend opening a VPP account with Apple if you plan to distribute any apps with SimpleMDM. Even if you only plan to distribute the SimpleMDM mobile app, Apple VPP will allow you to do so without prompting your users for an Apple ID.

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